Microsoft quietest room on earth

If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat. A ringing in your ears becomes deafening. When you move, your bones make a grinding noise. Eventually you lose your balance, because the absolute lack of reverberation sabotages your spatial awareness. In this room at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington, all…


ASK FOR YOUR FIRST FREE SESSION! COURSE INQUIRY Choose a course type: Oriental keyboard on cubasePiano LessonsGuitar LessonsCubase for KidsCubaseOriental musicEDM musicFilm musicMix and MasteringAudio recordingAbleton liveSerato Dj Your name: Your mail: Your phone number: STUDENT PRIVILEGE UP TO 50% DISCOUNT ON RAGTIME PRODUCTS 1 MONTH FREE WORKSHOP STEINBERG CERTIFICATION STUDIO FACILITY AS FREE OF…

Ragtime Studio Facility

OUTBOARDS ROOMTEACHING ROOMMIXING ROOMTAKE ROOMWORKSHOP ROOMCONTROL ROOMOUR PLACE! Ragtime Training Center offers a professional recording studio fully equipped with STATE-OF-THE-ART recording gear that gives students valuable hands on experience using the latest Audio Studio Technology, In order to get familiar & quickly adapt to up-to-date recording tricks and skills. PROFESSIONAL STUDIOS i9 CORE computers UAD…

Instrument and Audio cable main difference

Line level is the standard signal strength used with all pro audio equipment.  Which is why mic/instrument level signals are first boosted to line level before entering the signal chain. Instrument level signals, which come from electric guitar/bass, are sent through a standard guitar cable, which is then boosted to line level using a direct box. Mic level signals, which come from your mics,…

Vocal audio editing best practices

A Very essential and standard tips on how make audio vocal more clear and clean in your mix down an info graphic in arabic (darej) highlighting best practices Looking to get deep into audio mix down your best place is Steinberg training center in Beirit Lebanon where you get best practices of audio mix down…